Known in Chinese Medicine as one of the Four Gates, Large Intestine 4 (LI 4) is one of the most powerful pain and energy points on the body. Also known as Hegu, acupuncture point LI 4 sends energy up the arm, to the neck and head, alleviating physical symptoms such as jaw pain, headaches, poor circulation and improves the function of the limbs. It provides the additional benefit of stimulating neuron activity from the brain to the body, increasing alertness, focus and mental energy.
LI 4 is used by Acupuncturists to address pain anywhere in the body, especially the face, head and neck, alleviating symptoms associated with the sinuses, mouth, ear and jaw. Connecting to the stomach, it is also useful for conditions such as cramping, constipation, diarrhea, food poisoning, and even hangovers!
This acupuncture point offers relief from worry, anxiety and stress. It helps bring balance and focus to the mind and a sense of clarity, which is essential for carrying out projects in the workplace and activities throughout the day with ease.
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center recommended the use of LI 4 for pain and headaches to patients as a complementary therapy to their cancer treatments. Used as a form of massage on the fleshy area between the thumb and index finger, pressing this acupoint was found to help the muscles relax and improve blood flow. It was recommended to apply this technique several times a day to help with the many common side effects of chemotherapy.
In a study published by Hindawi, LI 4 was found to have a positive impact on the nerves of the hands where arteries are constricted in those suffering from Raynaud's disease. The warming effect induced by the use of this acupuncture point was found to Increase skin blood flow and provide relief from the cold and numbness often experienced by individuals diagnosed with Raynaud's. Findings suggested that traditional acupuncture is a reasonable alternative for treating patients with Raynaud’s disease and a feasible non-surgical option to address the stressful and painful symptoms experienced with this condition.
Acupuncture.com expands on the application of the powerful LI 4 acupuncture point for symptoms experienced from cold, flu or other external pathogenic conditions resulting in headaches and body aches, dizziness, congestion, swelling and pain of the eye, sinusitis, nosebleed, toothache, swelling of the face, facial paralysis, and swelling of the pharnyx and aphonia (inability to speak).